Physical Touch for Senior Citizens - A Vital Connection

Uncategorized Jun 07, 2024

Physical Touch for Senior Citizens - A Vital Connection

In the modern day world of technology, the importance of physical touch is sometimes overlooked, but for senior citizens it remains a very important element of their well-being.  As people age, their need for physical touch often becomes more pronounced.  Physical touch remains vital for senior citizens and it benefits their physical, emotional, and mental health.

From birth,  touch is a fundamental aspect of human existence.  Babies all thrive on skin-to-skin contact from their caregivers, and the need for touch continues throughout life.  As people age, we can experience changes in their physical abilities, which can limit their ability to engage in physical activities.  When we have decreases in movement this can lead to a decrease in touch.  This is important to recognize and address this need in our senior citizens.

There are actual physical benefits of touch.  Physical touch such as massages or gentle hugs can provide relief from some age related ailments like arthritis.  Physical touch improves circulation and reduces inflammation.  Studies have also found that regular physical touch can boost the immune system in senior citizens.  An increase in touch can lead to the release of beneficial hormones that reduce the risk of illness.

The emotional benefits of touch are also extremely important.  Loneliness and social isolation is predominant in senior citizens.   A simple handshake or a comforting hug can alleviate these feelings by providing a sense of security and belonging.  Touch also triggers the release of oxytocin, which is often referred to as the “love hormone.”  This hormone helps to reduce levels of stress and anxiety, which promotes emotional well-being in seniors.

There are also mental benefits of touch.  Engaging our seniors in physical activities that involve touch like dancing, stimulates cognitive functions and memory in senior citizens. Touch also plays an important role in reducing the risk of depression and anxiety in seniors.  

While we all recognize the importance of physical touch for senior citizens, it is very important to address some of the challenges we may encounter.  Not everyone may be comfortable with the same level of physical contact, so it is crucial to respect individual boundaries and preferences.

In conclusion, physical touch remains and still is a fundamental aspect of human connection and is very important for senior citizens. If we are able to recognize and address the need for touch, it can have a positive impact on their physical, emotional, and mental well-being.  Whether we accomplish this through family, friends or professional caregivers, physical touch can significantly improve the quality of life for senior citizens and help them age gracefully and happily.


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